A YORK personal training studio is celebrating 10 years since first opening by supporting St Leonard’s Hospice.

Definition Body Coaching is a private personal training studio in Nether Poppleton that first opened its doors in April 2014.

It is a personal training studio owned by Justin Shepherd who has been in the fitness industry for 21 years, supported by trainers, ex-Para Carl Ward and Mike Gray. Collectively the three have over 50 years’ experience in the fitness industry.

Justin said: “We are so proud to make it past 10 years. A business that was built from nothing, but the passion, energy and amazing York clientele have made it the success it is today. The past few years have been tricky to navigate like for so many businesses, but we keep trying to progress all the time. It has been a real team effort.”


Definition Body Coaching says it has transformed many bodies in the York area over the past ten years. To mark the anniversary, customers and staff donated prizes for a blind auction, which raised £3,200. They then overwhelmingly voted to give the money to the hospice.

The studio chose St Leonard’s as the recipient charity as their ethos and values align with those of the hospice. The studio says it has respect, care and compassion as its fundamental driving principles, which have allowed them to empower and encourage clients to reach their potential.

Justin has also heard from many in the studio that have benefited from the care and support they have received from the hospice and appreciates the pivotal role they play for the local community.

He added: “The generosity has been humbling and brought a new energy to us this month. Some of the prizes donated will be enjoyed by those who have won. We felt we wanted to try and give back in some type of way.”

Two of the studio’s clients are Nicky Fenton and Sarah Neill, who are an Advanced Clinical Practitioner specialist and a Specialist palliative care physiotherapist at the hospice.

Nicky said: “The impact we have can never be underestimated and stays with the families for a long time.”

Sarah said: “The money raised allows us to help patients to get the most out of every day they have.”